Thank you for registering your attendance and assisting us to conform to the Government’s mandatory COVID tracking data collection for businesses.
As required, we will not use this data for any other purposes than to provide to Queensland Government Contact Tracers (as required by law).
We have produced this form ourselves and control the data so we can assure you that this data will not be sold or provided to any other entity other than that which is required by the Queensland Government COVID tracing requirements.
We undertake to conform to the following requirements extracted from the Queensland Government Unite and Recover COVID information for business site.
- the name, phone number, email address, and the date and time period of guests, patrons and staff; and
- provided to a public health officer within a stated time, if requested by a public health officer; and
- securely stored, not used for any other purpose; and
- deleted after not less than 30 days and not more than 56 days.
Thank you for your support during these challenging times.
Majella Hales